ClassJuggler News - April 2018

Are You Ready For Taxes?

Use our financial reports to get the information you need.

ClassJuggler is loaded with reports for just about every aspect of your business. Four of the most important reports for monthly bookkeeping and tax preparation are the Customer Payments, Customer Applied Payments, Deposit Summary, and Company Billing reports.

How you do your accounting (cash-based vs. accrual-based) will determine which of these reports will benefit you most.

Here are some tips and details on these reports:

  • Deposit Summary - [CASH accounting] This report can show you summarized information about payments received, organized by type, for any period of time. This is ideal for reconciling your checkbook and your merchant account activity and deposits.

  • Customer Payments - [CASH accounting] This report can show you all of the income you are receiving daily, weekly, monthly, or for any period of time you choose. The report will total payments in a variety of ways you choose to make reconciliation and deposit reporting simple.

  • Customer Applied Payments - [CASH accounting] This special report links payments received to the charges they were applied to, and can tell you exactly how much was earned by a particular charge account or by account category. It will only show applied amounts, so if a customer has a credit balance remaining, those amounts will not yet be factored in.

    If you posted $1,000.00 in tuition and $200.00 in merchandise in the month you are reporting, and received $1,300.00 in payments for the same period, only the $1,200.00 applied to charges will be considered "earned," leaving $100 unapplied.

  • Company Billing - [ACCRUAL accounting] This report does exactly what its name suggests, which is to provide you with a list of charges you have posted in a particular period of time. Since this is only showing what you have posted in charges, and not what has been paid or not paid by your customers, this is the go-to report for businesses that use accrual-based accounting for their bookkeeping.

    If you posted $1,000.00 in tuition and $200.00 in merchandise in the month you are reporting, this report would return $1,200.00 total in products and services billed out to your customers.

For more information on these reports and examples and instructions for running them, please refer to "Online Help Manual" found in the green Help & Links Menu found at the bottom left of every screen in ClassJuggler.

Earth Day, April 22 — 8 Ways to Be Good to Mother Earth

Encourage your staff and customers to celebrate Earth Day with these ideas:

As busy as we all can get with our jobs, it's a nice time of the year to take a step back and consider our impact on our mother earth, the only home we have. Consider these 8 ideas for improving your impact on our little blue marble:

  1. Clean up trash – Many groups use the weekend of Earth Day to clear roadways, highways and neighborhood streets of litter that has accumulated since the last clean-up day. Many companies donate gloves and bags for clean-up groups and organize bag pick ups.
  2. Conserve energy – Go ahead and buy those new LED light bulbs you know you need. Replace old appliances and double-check window, door, and attic insulation. Turn off lights when leaving a room or install automatic motion timers on lights.
  3. Ride a bike or walk – For short trips, consider riding a bike or walking to your local grocer or restaurant. You'll save money, cut emissions and get exercise all at the same time!
  4. Reduce, reuse, and recycle all day long – Buy as little as possible and avoid items that come in lots of packaging. Support local growers and producers of food and products — these don't have to travel as far and so reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Take your drink container with you, and don't use any disposable plates or cutlery. Recycle all the things you do use for the day or find other uses for things that you no longer use. Carry a cloth bag for carrying things in and recycle your plastic bags.
  5. Conserve water – As our environment changes more and more due to population and pollution, water will become one of the more scarce resources. Keep a bucket in your shower to fill while the water heats and then use that for your flowers and outdoor plants. Don't leave water running while brushing your teeth or shaving. You can save hundreds of gallons a year with those two simple ideas.
  6. Make nature crafts at school or home – Get together with your family and build a birdhouse or make a bird feeder to encourage the local bird population, which plays an important role in every ecosystem.
  7. Learn more about our environment – Earth Day is a good time to make a commitment to learning more about the environment and how you can help to protect it. Borrow some library books and read up on an issue such as pollution, endangered species, water shortages, recycling, and climate change.
  8. Buy a carbon offset – Believe it or not, this is a "thing." Carbon offsets fund reductions in greenhouse gas emissions through projects such as wind farms, that displaces energy from fossil fuels.

Content excerpted from the WikiHow Celebrate Earth Day website

FREE Webinar Training Series

ClassJuggler offers free online classes and video training to its clients and demo users.

Our Webinar schedule for April is:

  • Wednesday, April 11, 2:00pm ET
    Policies – How to archive and replace old policies.
  • Tuesday, April 24, 4:00pm ET
    User Privileges – Use roles and privileges to manage admin user access.
If you'd like to attend either of these classes, please email

Customer Support Schedule

Customer Support will be closed for holidays on the following upcoming dates:

  • May 28 - Memorial Day

These dates are also visible on your sign-in screen.

Customer Support is Here for You!

Whether you're a brand new customer or a seasoned client, you may have questions on how to best utilize ClassJuggler for your business. Our Customer Support Specialists are never more than a phone call or email away.

Give us a call at (866) 214-6128 or email Support hours are Mon–Fri from 8am–5pm PT.

International Clients

Skype chat is available. If you've got questions and would like to speak with someone in person, just email us and we'll arrange a time to connect with you.

We're Listening. We Want to Hear From You

If you have ideas or suggestions for topics in an upcoming newsletter or for a Webinar, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at