ClassJuggler News - June 2013

You asked for it - Multiple Family Email Contacts

A popular request from our users has been to allow for more than one email recipient for regular and financial emails. We listened and made this feature available with our latest release on May 8th!

This system enhancement changes Customer Maintenance screens for both administrative users and for your customers via the Customer Self-Service Center. You can now specify a main email, a main billing email, multiple secondary emails, and multiple secondary billing emails. You can even track email addresses and later have a customer "opt-out" of receiving emails for those contacts via the Customer Self-Service Center or by making a request with an administrator.

The multiple email feature is useful for divorced families where both parents want financial statements, or for that grandmother who wants to see all of the newsletters being sent to her grandson's gymnastics class. You can now provide one or more comma-separated emails for these special secondary contacts.

Summer Sessions Are Here

- Tips and Tricks to Simplify Your Summer Sessions

If you run Summer sessions, it's easy to differentiate those classes/session from your regular season by setting up a Session/Group identifier and labeling your summer classes.

If you'd like to set up a separate Session/Group label for your Summer 2013 season, start by going into Preferences > Class Session/Groups and adding "Summer 2013" (or whatever you'd prefer to call the session). Once you've set up your Class Sessions/Groups options, you can label any of your existing or new classes with that label. You can then use that label to filter classes on reports, class listings, Web site listings and more.

Planning & Building Your Classes
Before you begin creating all of the individual classes that you will need to fill your schedule, you need a basic understanding of how classes are created in ClassJuggler and how best to decide the style of class you should build.

Classes are built in a simple four step process (with an optional 5th & 6th step). You can also use the Mass Copy Class feature we talked about in our May 2013 newsletter to speed setting up new classes by using your expired classes as templates. The steps for building a new class are:

  • 1. Core Class Information – The Core Class Information section contains the fields and selectors used to describe and identify you class.
  • 2. Class Schedule – The Class Schedule section defines information about a class's schedule showing you the start and end dates, days the class is held, start time, and class duration.
  • 3. Class Tuition – Class Tuition is defined by one or more tuition options that you create for your classes. Each class must have at least one tuition fee option, but could have dozens if your classes have more complicated fee structures or you offer different discounts or payment options. There are three different tuition fee types in ClassJuggler to handle just about any fee structure you need for your classes. You can mix and match these within a single class tuition table if you wish. The three tuition fee types are:

    • Monthly – for monthly fees that do not vary month to month.
    • Per Class – good when you need ClassJuggler to calculate the monthly cost based on the exact number of classes held in a month and to skip days your business is marked "closed" on the Home Base calendar.
    • Total – great for short duration classes and for summer classes where the full amount is billed up-front for the class.
  • 4. Class Instructors – Each class must have at least one instructor assigned to the class, but can have multiple instructors or assistants. The primary instructor is in the first position and is highlighted in pink.

The four "step indicators" in the upper right of the class maintenance screen, show your status in completing the mandatory steps required to create a class (the fifth and sixth steps are optional). Once the fourth step is completed, a flashing "Offer Class" action button appears, letting you know you can offer the class – taking the class from inactive to active status and opening the class for enrollment.

  • 5. [optional] Class Skills – Although skills can be added to a student individually via the Student Maintenance screens, assigning skills to the class makes it easy to remember what skills are required by each student. Assigning skills to a class also gives you the ability to use skills in attendance tracking so you can identify what skill was trained on what day for each student.
  • 6. [optional] Miscellaneous Class Fees – Miscellaneous Class Fees are an optional part of a class structure and can be added or removed at any time. Miscellaneous class fees can be used to represent materials fees, sign-up fees, a mandatory recital/competition/testing fee, or other mandatory and optional fees associated with a class.

Once your new summer classes are built and offered, you are ready to begin taking enrollments for your summer sessions!

We Want to Hear From You

If you have ideas or suggestions for topics in an upcoming newsletter, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at

FREE Webinar & Video Training

ClassJuggler offers free monthly online classes and video training for its clients and demo users.

See the most recent newsletter for dates and times of our online classes.

You can also check out our constantly growing library of webinars and helpful tutorial videos on our YouTube® channel.

Customer Support

See our current support schedule in our most recent newsletter.

Customer Support is Here for You!

Whether you're a brand-new customer or a seasoned client, you may have questions on how to best utilize ClassJuggler for your business. Our Customer Support Specialists are never more than a phone call or email away.

Give us a call at (866) 214-6128 or email Support hours are Mon–Fri from 8am–5pm PT.

International Clients

Skype chat is available. If you've got questions and would like to speak with someone in person, just email us and we'll arrange a time to connect with you.

We're Listening. We Want to Hear from You

If you have ideas or suggestions for topics in an upcoming newsletter or for a Webinar, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at