Can you help us? We're working to make things easier for "newbies" — new ClassJuggler clients. As a current customer, you are uniquely knowledgeable in what it was (or currently is) like to be a newbie in the ClassJuggler environment. We know that those who stay with the startup process for a good 45 days will generally be so comfortable and happy with ClassJuggler that they stay and thrive. So, we want to do all we can to make this early stage a successful transition for our newbies!
Here's how you can help. Please take this short survey (about 2 minutes to complete — 6 questions) and share with us your thoughts/opinions regarding your initial experience with ClassJuggler.
As you probably already know, using ClassJuggler's prorated billing features, which you can set up at the time of enrollment, works with all tuition types: monthly, per class, and total. This is particularly useful for ongoing per-class-based pricing. But here's what you might not know; prorated billing can also help you gracefully handle the "closed for the holiday" days on your calendar.
To handle prorated fees, use this optional feature (see the checkmark below) when running your Post Tuition billing cycle step:
Additionally, any time ClassJuggler prorates tuition for per class or monthly-based tuition, it adds a secondary description to the transaction explaining "how" it calculated any prorated discounts. This is especially useful when you need to determine why a certain amount was posted for a particular family.
If this is your first holiday season, and any of these steps are not clear to you, please contact us and we can go through it step-by-step with you over the phone.
Our ever-growing Watch & Learn video tutorial library is a handy way to "go deep" on a particular tool or feature within ClassJuggler. Have you seen these most recent ones?
If you still have questions about how to use a certain tool or function of ClassJuggler, contact us! We can walk you through it step-by-step.
Also, let us know if there is a particular process or feature you'd like us to add to the video library or do a tutorial on.
In October, ClassJuggler's Jon and Alexia flew out to the East Coast to represent ClassJuggler at United Dance Merchants of America (UDMA). This dance resource and costume show was a great opportunity for us to introduce ClassJuggler to dance studio owners, sign up a few of them as new customers, and meet some of our current clients. Get the full scoop and photos here.
ClassJuggler offers free online classes and video training to its clients and demo users.
Our Webinar schedule for November is:
Customer Support will be closed for holidays on the following upcoming dates:
These dates are also visible on your sign-in screen.
Whether you're a brand-new customer or a seasoned client, you may have questions on how to best utilize ClassJuggler for your business. Our Customer Support Specialists are never more than a phone call or email away.
Give us a call at (866) 214-6128 or email Support hours are Mon–Fri from 8am–5pm PT.
Skype chat is available. If you've got questions and would like to speak with someone in person, just email us and we'll arrange a time to connect with you.
If you have ideas or suggestions for topics in an upcoming newsletter or for a Webinar, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at
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